Wedding invites are often the first introduction to a wedding. Depending on where the wedding is, the invitation may or may not be the most important piece of paper. However, no matter where you host the event, it’s essential to include all the pertinent details on the invitations.
The most important piece of information to include on the card is the date and time. This will help guests determine whether or not they can attend. It’s also a good idea to include a few lines of wedding-specific info, such as travel and accommodation requirements, as well as the dress code for the big day. You should also include the names of the bride and groom on the same line.
Other important pieces of information to include on the invitation are the date of the reception, the name of the venue, and a map of the area in which the ceremony and reception will take place. Using a map will make it easier for your guests to find the event. For instance, if your ceremony is being held at a country club in a rural town, a map might be helpful for someone who has never visited.
Some of the newest and more sophisticated cards offer more details, including RSVP cards, which ask your guests to check a box to confirm their attendance. Including this information will give you a better idea of how many guests are attending and how to budget your expenses. If you haven’t done this yet, you may be surprised to learn that the cost of a single card will decrease with the number of cards you purchase.
Creating an invitation may be a bit daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a wide variety of invitation templates to choose from, as well as a variety of design options to suit every couple. As you get closer to your wedding, you’ll be able to incorporate more personal touches into your invitations.
The best part is that a few simple steps will help you create a gorgeous and useful wedding invitation. Use the right type of paper, the best colors, and the best fonts. These factors will ensure that you end up with a product that will look beautiful on your guests’ desks.
In addition to the invitation, you’ll want to send out Save the Date cards to those who may not be able to attend. These should be sent out as early as eight to twelve months before the big day. A save the date will allow your friends and family to plan ahead and avoid wasting money on a last minute flight or hotel reservation. Of course, there’s no rule that states you have to include a save the date in the same envelope as the invitation.
There are also inserts that are designed to fit on your wedding invitation. These can contain anything from maps of your venue to a list of things to do leading up to the big day. They’re also a good way to reduce the amount of questions your guests will have to ask.